There are many ways to get involved here at The Earthrise Project! You can start by simply telling others about us, donating when it becomes available on the site, or by writing content. You can send us ideas, information, or articles that you have researched and written about relating to the climate to and it will be considered to be put onto our website. We would love to hear from you and about what you have to say about climate change. These can be personal stories, op-eds, educational and scientific pieces, and other information that you want climate activists to know. We would love to see your contributions, stories, tips and tricks, and what you are doing in your community. We would love to highlight your accomplishments! Here are some general guidelines:
1. It must be related to climate change.
2. It must be appropriate (no nudity, expletives, or insensitive content)
3. It must be original and you must cite your sources (if your work is plagiarized, it will not be accepted)
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or submissions, email and we will be happy to help!